You know, I look back at all the happenings in my life since high school and I can see God's hand in all of it. What I thought was the "love" of my life since HS loving someone else who became my best friend....hating Erskine during Business School to getting a full ride....losing all my scholarships, but still providing the funds for me to stay at there....being in Spanish classes with upperclassmen who became my closest friends....a caring gynecologist who referred me to a point-blank cardiologist....a pregnant friend that pushed through a 5k with me....being unemployed for over a year and allowing me to help care for my premature me a job that I ended up dreading going in to but giving me friendships that will last outside of that place.....friendships that lead to new opportunities....a new job that will lead to
GREATER possibilities and blessings....
I'm just being honest with you -- had it not been for
God allowing/providing specific events in my life, I would not be where I am today with the friends that keep me going. I cannot even begin to express my
many thanks to God for his bountiful blessings in my life over the past few months and even years. I thank God for my experiences at my previous job(s) -- both good and bad. I have learned from them and grown into who I am today. I thank God for my college experience and education. It led me to one of my most faithful friends! I thank God for Thirty-One. It has renewed friendships, provided new experiences, and rewarding opportunities. And, as strange as it may seem, I thank God for annual check-ups and high-blood pressure. God has used doctor appointments to open my eyes and jump start me on a journey that I know I should have started a
LONG time ago. God has
completely changed my life over the past year especially. I cannot wait to see what the next year holds!
I AM A CHRISTIAN. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, & mind. God has really blessed me more than I could ever imagine, but the truth is that Satan HATES me!! I face struggles & temptation every single day of my life; but no matter what happens, I still strive to do the will of God. Because I put my faith & trust in God, He has provided relief for me & my family time & time again! God never fails to comfort & remind me of His promise that “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). There have been countless times that I did not deserve God’s grace & should not have been granted mercy. But He has granted me mercy & forgiveness, as well as goodness & grace -- all for the purpose of sharing it with those I meet along the path of life. Some days are better than others, but you always have to remember to keep pressing on! Keep praising HIM & He’ll never fail to bring you through the storm.
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