As most of you know, I am pretty unhappy in the job where I currently work. Well, let me just tell you that God still works in His own timing. I was presented with a job opportunity this week that I was totally not expecting! It all happened VERY quickly. I found out about the job and filled out my application/sent my resume on Tuesday. I was supposed to have an interview Wednesday but it got pushed to Friday at 4pm. By 5:15 Friday afternoon, I knew I had the job! You can't tell me that God isn't faithful!! I am so completely thrilled to be getting out of a drama-filled workplace where I wasn't even being used to my full potential and into a job that is more along the lines of what I went to school for. I will completely miss the people I worked with. Those that know me, and really care, know that I
really need to do this. I mean, when someone says "I have noticed lately that you haven't been smiling much. Hope you get your smile back." -- that's a pretty good indicator that something's not right. It was time for a change and it came at the
perfect time. I thank God for this opportunity and pray I do Him honor and that He is able to use me in this new environment. Oh! and I start tomorrow (Monday)!
I AM A CHRISTIAN. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, & mind. God has really blessed me more than I could ever imagine, but the truth is that Satan HATES me!! I face struggles & temptation every single day of my life; but no matter what happens, I still strive to do the will of God. Because I put my faith & trust in God, He has provided relief for me & my family time & time again! God never fails to comfort & remind me of His promise that “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). There have been countless times that I did not deserve God’s grace & should not have been granted mercy. But He has granted me mercy & forgiveness, as well as goodness & grace -- all for the purpose of sharing it with those I meet along the path of life. Some days are better than others, but you always have to remember to keep pressing on! Keep praising HIM & He’ll never fail to bring you through the storm.
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