So after working out for 6 days straight last week, I finally took Sunday off. It was much needed, and deserved if I do say so myself! My arms were so sore that it hurt to straighten them. It felt good to just relax for a while.
Sunday lunch was not quite Paleolithic because it included bread and a bit of ranch dressing, but I did manage to cook Paleo for dinner Sunday night. I had rosemary chicken with cinnamon bacon sweet potatoes. My thoughts: I don’t like rosemary as much as I thought I did. Next time I fix a sweet potato, I will peel it. Saturday night I had pork chops with scrambled eggs and salsa. Yesterday was my first full day of really trying to do Paleo in its entirety after our grocery trip. It was a success except for the 2 tablespoons of Italian dressing with my salad for lunch. Breakfast was turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, and fruit (grapes and strawberries). Lunch was a grilled chicken salad with almonds, egg, and tomato. Dinner was yummy! I fixed chicken fajita lettuce wraps. It really was quite delicious. I used some of the leftover veggies (red bell pepper, zucchini, and onions) to put in my breakfast for the rest of the week – egg muffins. I even fried a little bit of (Paleo-friendly) sausage to put in them. They are really good too! :)
They were supposed to come do the pantry raid last night, but schedules got hectic and we postponed until Wednesday. That’ll be interesting! I’m just excited to finally start cooking and eating new things. I don’t have a lot of recipes yet, but I’ll build my stash…and even create some of my own. I’ve always wanted to try a bunch of recipes but never would because my mom wouldn’t eat it. She won’t eat what I “have” to eat right now anyway, so this is my chance to try all this different stuff! I am surprised that I’m not hungrier. I would have bet that I would starve trying to make it on this plan and between meals, but I’m not. I am actually satisfied; but in the instance that I’m not, I have options – healthy options. Here are some pics to keep your mouth watering until next time…..
Saturday's Dinner - Pork Chops with Scrambled Eggs and Salsa |
Sunday Dinner - Rosemary Chicken and Cinnamon Bacon Sweet Potatoes |
Monday Breakfast - Scrabmled Eggs, Turkey Bacon, Fruit |
Monday Dinner - Chicken Fajita Lettuce Wraps |
Tuesday Breakfast - Egg Muffins with peppers, onions, and zucchini |
I AM A CHRISTIAN. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, & mind. God has really blessed me more than I could ever imagine, but the truth is that Satan HATES me!! I face struggles & temptation every single day of my life; but no matter what happens, I still strive to do the will of God. Because I put my faith & trust in God, He has provided relief for me & my family time & time again! God never fails to comfort & remind me of His promise that “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). There have been countless times that I did not deserve God’s grace & should not have been granted mercy. But He has granted me mercy & forgiveness, as well as goodness & grace -- all for the purpose of sharing it with those I meet along the path of life. Some days are better than others, but you always have to remember to keep pressing on! Keep praising HIM & He’ll never fail to bring you through the storm.
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