I do not understand why people who are supposed to be leaders of worship can't stay to hear the preacher preach. If you're going to come to church only to leave after 10 minutes, why even bother coming??? This happened at church tonight and I just need to vent. Yes, they're great singers and/or drama team members. But I don't see how you can expect to minister to someone only to leave early from church. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am NOT saying that you have to be at every service to be effective in your ministry. I understand that things happen or need to be done. What I don't understand is why even drive to church, especially on the night that you may not be participating in service, just to leave after 10 minutes. And when you DO have a part in the service, what kind of example does it set to people when the "leaders" of worship leave early??? It just does not make ANY sense to me. Then when you happen to call them out on it, these people get mad and claim that's the only time they have to get things done. BUT, if you really had things to do, and that is your reason for leaving service super early, then don't get caught at a RESTAURANT!!!
...okay....I'm going to stop venting now; because if I don't, I will probably say something [more] that I really shouldn't.
catch up
11 years ago
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